the value of hiring an attorney for your troubled child
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the value of hiring an attorney for your troubled child

The first time my son got into some legal trouble, I didn't hire an attorney. I figured that he would just get a slap on the wrist and that he should accept his punishment, and that's what happened. The second time he got into trouble, I had to hire an attorney. I knew that since he had a record, the judge would not be so lenient about his punishment and he could suffer some serious consequences that could haunt him for his entire life. If you have a troubled child, my blog could help you understand the value of hiring an attorney for him or her.

the value of hiring an attorney for your troubled child

Three Odd Situations Where Real Estate Law Matters

Owen Bertrand

It's easy to picture real estate law scenarios involving the purchase, sale, or transfer of property. There are a number of other situations, though, where you may require real estate law services. In these three instances, you may need to have an attorney guide you through some of the sticking points.

Property Line Correction

Lots of things can go wrong with the lines of a property, including changes in the local geography, easements, and even surveying mistakes. You may discover, for example, that the property line that's on record at the county register doesn't correspond with what you've seen during a survey of the land. The government doesn't take these corrections lightly, and you'll have to provide a good deal of supporting evidence to have the property lines changed.

Unusual issues can come up when the geography itself changes. For example, land can emerge from the water in regions that are experiencing uplifts that trace back to the Ice Age. Earthquakes and volcanic activity can produce similar issues.

The core question is: who has the rights to the land? It might seem simple, but what happens if Section A of your property is now 5 feet further away from Section B than it was yesterday?

Construction and Renovation Work

It's simplistic to assume that possession of land means you can do whatever you want on it. Most states have restrictions, for example, regarding how close to a neighbor's property you can conduct construction and renovation work. If your neighbor isn't thrilled with your new shed, they might be able to get a court order to tear it down if it's within the zone identified by law.


Imposing limits significantly past your lifetime is, oddly enough, illegal in some states. This concept in real estate law is known as a perpetuity, and it refers to the idea that you can impose onerous terms on the use of a property that kick in or last long after you will have to live with the consequences. Each U.S. state takes its own stance on perpetuities, with some not caring at all about them. If you plan to impose limitations on the use or sale of a property for many years after you're gone, it's wise to discuss your goals with an attorney. They may also be able to point you toward other legal vehicles that might accomplish your objectives without imposing a perpetuity.
